Homebirth Wisconsin Homebirth Chicago
Homebirth Wisconsin Homebirth Chicago
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Motherwit Ways is a church operating in the private domain. You join the membership at no cost and then we set up a contract for private midwife services.
You're free to be sovereign, to have God as your authority, or to have Nature, or any belief system that's your personal Truth as your Authority.
The government is not the authority here. In the public domain the government is the authority because state law dictates what counts as midwifery.
I serve you as an independent midwife in the private domain.
My work is inclusive to any woman or girl. This is a paradigm shift from in-system. I walk with you free from the hierarchy of medical labels and free from submission to the state.
I follow you with the understanding that you're the authority over yourself, your birth process, and your baby. For example, neither I, nor anyone else, allow you to homebirth or allow or disallow you to do anything.
Because I'm here as private woman, I create my own definitions. At Motherwit Ways the word "midwife" means a woman who's with women. This definition is the traditional, spiritual, and dictionary meaning of the word midwife.
In Wisconsin the word midwife has been appropriated by the state and means someone who's licensed by the state to practice midwifery under statutory regulations. Since this is the private domain and not the public domain, the word midwife here is defined by Motherwit Ways and not by the State.
A circle of women to bless pregnant women and to be in presence with each other.
ALL women welcome here: maidens, mothers, sorceresses, crones.
Village prenatal is not a part of Motherwit Ways.