Homebirth Wisconsin Homebirth Chicago
Homebirth Wisconsin Homebirth Chicago
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I walk with women and families as a freebirth guide and as a birth attendant outside the system.
Some of these shares are from doula clients from when I worked in the system.
My journey with Martha began in April 2023 when I reached out to her after finding her website. I originally thought I wanted to have an unassisted birth experience with my first-born, but eventually felt strongly that I wanted a wise woman to be with me and support me through my pregnancy and birth. When I read Martha’s philosophy on birth and mothering, I felt she was the right fit, and after our initial consultation I was sold.
Martha has been by my side through two back-to-back pregnancies and births in 2023 and 2024. She was beside my husband and I in our bedroom at home when we welcomed my first-born son. And she was beside my husband and I in the operating room at the hospital when I welcomed my second-born by unexpected emergency c-section. And she was beside me and my family while we navigated an incredibly challenging five week stay in the NICU. And she is by my side today, as I continue to process and grieve my second birth experience. My first-born is always excited when "Nana Martha" comes for a visit, and excitedly piles into her lap with a book while we chat.
Martha may not be a medical professional, but her presence is medicine. She will sit by your side, hold your hand and offer a loving touch, listen to you and make you feel heard, help you to ground yourself and connect with your intuition. As you pour out your soul to her, you will find what you need. She will not prescribe a drug or solution to you, but she can offer you wisdom that you may find helpful to facilitate your own healing.
I look back so fondly on the time I spent with Martha during my pregnancies. With her by my side, this period of my life felt so sacred and special, and that is something I will treasure forever. During our many prenatal visits, we would sit together and enjoy some snacks, check in on how I was doing, do some prenatal yoga, listen to baby's heartbeat and decipher baby’s position, and discuss my dreams and fears (and my husband’s!) for my birth. She would help me to troubleshoot any specific issue that I was having with my pregnancy, and offer her wisdom on potential remedies.
During my labor and birth, Martha's energy was incredibly powerful and helpful to me feeling safe and undisturbed. I felt so confident and at ease. I was fully off in the labor zone, in my own world, letting my body do its thing. Martha was there by my side, ready to offer suggestions or wisdom when I asked, but never interrupting, interjecting, or offering unsolicited guidance.
During my postpartum period, Martha would come over to check in, bringing nourishing meals and offering helpful breastfeeding support and guidance on all the newborn things. Mostly, she helped me navigate this tender period just by being there to hear my struggles and successes. To celebrate the joys with me and to help me through the challenges.
Don’t think twice about hiring Martha to support you in your birth if you feel called to her philosophy on birth and mothering. You are the authority, and Martha will support you along your journey. She will help you find your way when things feel most dark. She will call you back to the light with her loving energy and listening ear. Her support in your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period is TRULY INVALUABLE!
Martha. Wow, how can I express my gratitude for your presence at Eden’s birth? In these early post birth days I wanted to take some time to write a note to you while these memories and feelings are still so fresh in my mind.
Firstly, you are doing exactly what you are meant to do. I could see and hear your heart and passion for this “work” in our calls and visits, but in the actual unfolding of birth I could see it come alive. Like a light within you. This is a gift and I’m so grateful to have been able to witness it.
I’ve realized I’ve been very challenged in being fully myself with others, but not in a self conscious way so much as, not wanting to step on toes or to be too much for those around me. Haha I remember swearing in the tub when the surges were so powerful and then apologizing even when both you and Ben weren’t in the room, which is an example to me of how deep this runs in my soul.
Through your gentle guidance, presence and reassuring words I felt like I had the ability to fully BE, and that is a huge gift as well.
In other times I felt your presence guiding me back to the truths I knew in such a perfect way. Like the exact verbs to unlock what I needed in that moment, which is a testament to your intuition and attuned spirit to others. It was miraculous to me.
I felt so encouraged and cared for by both you and Ben the entire time. It was a long time as well, and both of you had such tremendous strength, compassion and patience.
As far as free birth goes - I can’t express how much it has taught me, and I’m sure that cavern will continue to deepen as I explore it further. I deeply appreciated the ability to go entirely with what my body and soul were feeling. It is such a different experience. As the hours pass since Eden has arrived more and more is being revealed to me through memories, of how incredible it was to truly usher life into this world. For it all to unfold exactly as it should was so profoundly peaceful.
I realized my only moments of fear were when I slipped into an old mindset of thinking things “should” be a certain way, but never in thinking that something was actually wrong. The entire time I trusted that Eden and I were entirely safe. Maybe a bit exhausted and delirious near the end haha but safe and healthy.
I am so so very grateful for the entire experience. I am very grateful for your generosity in time and care and travel and everything else. You are an incredible human. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you more in the downtimes when contractions slowed down a bit, definitely felt like we are kindred souls. Ben doesn’t open up to many people and I could see him opening up to you which delighted me.
Eden is doing so well, being welcomed into our little bubble. Cypress is being adorable as well. He’s acted up a few times, but many more times he’s come over to me, said her name, kissed her head. It’s amazing how they can understand without knowing. Ben is cooking up a storm, and I’m laying around nursing and soaking up these first few days. Feels like the best early Winter solstice gift.
In peace and love, Carmen
JOY There is no reason to interview another person for YOUR birth! STOP searching, you will be forever grateful you chose to work with Martha! Words can simply not express my immense gratitude to have had the opportunity to know and work with Martha. I knew exactly what I desired for this birth, and she honored my every wish. I parted ways with my midwife at 30 weeks, and started planning my sovereign freebirth for baby number 3! I knew I wanted a wise woman to be there to support me, and she was exactly what I needed. She helped me work through and process my fears from my past births, she also believed in ME and the power of an undisturbed birth! This was unlike anything else I had experienced from a provider, something every woman deserves as they walk this path. If only there were more Martha’s out there, birth would be such a different experience. Her ability to not play into the fear( at any parts), played a key part in me receiving the birth of my dreams. I did not want anyone else’s fears to impact me negatively which had happen with my other births. Then next morning, my husband woke up and said, "There was a little guardian angel that found us last night, she arrived for what felt like only a moment to offer her wisdom, guidance and blessings and then disappeared into the night"
What an angel you are Martha, thank you for believing in me, cheering me on and honoring all of my intentions. We are feeling very blessed from having such a magical birth!
B.K. It was crazy the shifts in my body when my spirit was being heard and your guidance was a pivotal piece of that. (The baby) chose you to be there just as much as I did...You are one of those wise women. ...Thank you from the deepest most sacred place we women can draw from.
From the moment we spoke, Martha felt like an old friend. I was pregnant with my first child at 40 and planning a homebirth. I was looking for a traditional midwife and feeling frustrated by my lack of options in Chicago. Martha quickly became a trusted friend and support person. She helped me to clarify and find confidence in my vision. She traveled to Chicago for my prenatal appointment, spending time with my partner and I in our home. She trusted me, supported my vision, and helped me to harness my inner-authority for an autonomous Mother-led birth. She saw the fears that my partner needed to confront in order to show up confidently to our homebirth, and helped him to address them with compassion. Martha met my sister, who would be present at my birth and began planning with her. I looked forward to each phone call and visit. I grew so much personally and spiritually with her by my side. I felt powerful and capable as I stepped into my homebirth.
When my contractions began, Martha called to gauge how far along I was. I labored at home and Martha communicated with my sister. She timed her arrival perfectly, and showed up as I was in active labor. She held my hand through each contraction, reminding me to breathe and stay grounded. With a quiet confidence, she seamlessly blended in with my partner and sister. Martha is a gifted healer and energy reader. She was grounded and saw what I needed while in the depth of active labor and transition. When I felt like I was sinking, she brought me back to my breath. She helped me to create a sacred and loving entrance for my baby, and honored me as I was reborn a Mother.
I felt seen, supported, and held by Martha throughout all stages of pregnancy and birth.
Postpartum, she brought me food, eased my fears, and reminded me to trust myself above all. I know that I can forever reach out to her when I need support. Martha's work is so sacred, her energy is so clear. She is completely present and vibrates pure love. She was exactly the wise woman presence that I deeply craved and envisioned holding my hand at my baby's birth. She supported me in birthing my first child at home in power and truly coming into myself. I am grateful to Martha and to the magic of birth. Martha honors the magic and truly honors the Mother. If am so lucky, I will absolutely ask Martha to attend my next birth !!! (Update: She did. I attended. The birth was a dream birth.)
RACHELE Sometimes in life, people are brought into our worlds as a gift and that is exactly what happened when we met Martha. From the moment she answered the phone the first time I ever called her, Martha met me where I was. I was pregnant with our third miracle, and had delivered my first two sweethearts in a hospital setting. I had always thought I “had to” deliver any future children in a hospital, but during my third pregnancy, our baby strongly let me know she wanted to be born at home. I had so many questions, so many things to unravel about what I visioned pregnancy and birth to be, and through every single part of my unraveling…. Martha met me right where I was.. with love, with compassion, and with her truly divine wisdom that woman to woman, mother to mother, I appreciated with my whole being. Martha held a space for me as a pregnant mother to step into my power and to truly embody what it meant to be me. She also held such a beautiful space for my husband, our baby, and our children, as we were all on this beautiful journey together. Woman to woman, Martha walked with me.. sharing her beautiful wisdom about pregnancy, about birth, about life.. all while giving me the perfect amount of space to grow on my own, to truly trust myself, and to trust my own intuition and power. Woman to woman, Martha journeyed through many miracles and so very much with my family and I, with kindness and support that changed my life. Hours before our baby’s water broke, Martha was here for me, walking woman to woman with me, and asked me, “What if it all works out Rachele? What if you get everything you ever dreamed of with this birth? How will it feel ?” I remember smiling, crying tears of joy thinking of holding my beautiful baby after a pain and fear free birth, and that is exactly what happened. Hours later, there I was in a birthing pool feeling the beautiful sensations of my body and our baby working together to safely bring us together… and there was Martha next to the pool, feeding me honey.. woman to woman, walking with me again
. I would literally have a thought of hunger, and there was Martha with a banana, I was thirsty and there she was with water, woman to woman knowing what I needed without me having to say a word. I will never forget the amount of support our sweet baby and I felt during our labor between Martha, my husband, and our precious daughters Kallie and Kyla. After the most beautiful night full of love, peace, breathwork, support, prayer, and more joy than my heart has ever experienced, Rubie Marie was born in the most peaceful and loving way I ever could’ve imagined. As a brand new mama of three, deeply and fully in love with her babies and her family, Martha walked with me. She supported me as a mama transitioning from pregnancy to this brand new motherhood- a motherhood where I stepped into my power.. into my knowingness. A few hours after giving birth, I looked at Martha and realized she had never seen me not pregnant before, so I said, “Hi Martha, my name is Rachele!” I cry thinking of this because I felt so comfortable with her to reintroduce myself not only to her, but it felt like I was reintroducing myself to the world, a brand new mama of three who was forever changed by this miraculous experience of life. I believe wholeheartedly that every baby journeys to this beautiful Earth and picks his or her family for divine reasons. I know every baby comes with blessings, with lessons for parents and families to learn about life, about love.. I know our precious Rubie, our real life gem, came into our worlds and taught our family the power to believe and trust in God, in the universe, in things working out in the divine and perfect way they are meant to. Rubie taught us to trust the power that we have within ourselves, to trust our own bodies.. our own hearts and souls to chase our deepest dreams,. We know Rubie chose Martha to be a part of our family’s story and we are forever and ever grateful. Pregnancy and birth is the most beautiful time for mothers and families alike to grow together, to learn and embody all the beautiful things our babies teach us. As my family now walks the beautiful journey of cherishing our Rubie and being a family of 5, and I as watch my womb slowly transform back to her beautiful usual spot, I know we will all forever cherish the experiences of pregnancy, birth and all we learned from walking with Martha. Thank you Martha for holding such a beautiful and loving space for women, for families and for babies. The world is better because of you
You saw who I was...you never told me what to do. I want this for everyone, a woman to walk with me. Women supporting women. When you have that support, you know you can flourish.
J.K. You have a gift of holding space for women to see themselves more clearly.
Liz The space and trust that she offered me up till my delivery day and the day of was exactly what I needed to have the perfect home birth.
even though I had a midwife because I didn't even know about free birth until I met her, she was still able to create that space I needed for my own autonomy. I felt completely in control of my birth while feeling supported with her presence. I highly recommend her and would love her as a birth keeper in the future.
H.P. Your presence (as a birth-keeper) ..was just what was needed to to feel safe but free.
HAILEY, on virtual freebirth guide Martha...thank you for being such a courageous feminine free and sovereign leader for the world.
Part 1: Planning a home birth? Read this! 9/25/21 was my second birthing experience with Martha. After my first birth (see review posted on 8/4/19). I already knew the type of birth and prenatal experience I wanted (no interventions, declining pretty much everything- I had my hemoglobin checked and that was it). The Midwife used the fetoscope during office visits to listen to baby's heartbeat. I didn't want any dopplers, but the Midwife said she needed to use one during the birth... We decided to do a home-birth this time, and my #1 goal was to stay out of the hospital. I initially contacted Martha for any Midwife recommendations in my area, and she gave me 3-4 recommendations, which helped to narrow down the search.... I didn't want any dopplers, but the Midwife said she needed to use one during the birth....- in the end it didn't matter, keep reading to find out why! Martha is always supportive of one's decisions, without judgement. She encourages you to make the best decisions for you, and to follow your instincts.
When my labor started, I was 1 week post due date. That night when I felt things were progressing, I called Martha and the Midwife at the same time. After a short description of how I was feeling, Martha was on her way without hesitation. The Midwife suggested I wait until contractions were consistently 5 minutes apart and lasting at least 1 minute long (this is standard). Up until that point I had some really strong and longer contractions, followed by some shorter and weaker ones, so things weren't consistent. Martha later told me she doesn't follow those "rules" for contractions, because every woman and every birth is different, and basically you never know what might happen during a birth. See part 2...
Part 2: After hanging up with the Midwife, things continued to progress, but I never really knew if I was in the desired timeframe for contractions, and by the time I definitely was, my mind was gone since I was deep into the "labor zone." Martha in the end ended up calling the Midwife to notify her, since my. husband was busy caring for our 2 year old who woke up.
After Martha arrived at my house, labor did slow down for a little while, but Martha just gave me some space to try and rest, and she returned to the room when she heard things getting louder/progressing. My birth was definitely chaotic since my 2 year old son who was not initially supposed to be at my birth (family was on the way to pick him up), ended up being there since the end of my labor went so fast. Basically, I had a longer 1st stage of labor, and my active labor and pushing stages probably happened within 2-3 hours max.
Guess what happened- with Martha's calm demeanor, we ended up delivering our baby WITHOUT THE MIDWIFE! The Midwife arrived about 5-10 minutes after baby was born. My husband calmly delivered our healthy baby girl. Martha is non-medical, but her calm presence helped make us feel that everything was well. I am very grateful that baby was healthy and there weren't any complications. I didn't think we would have an UNPLANNED UNASSISTED BIRTH, but like I said before- birthing is such an unpredictable experience, and you never know what might happen. My husband and I were again, so glad that we hired Martha. I likely would have been more anxious having the baby without the Midwife if Martha hadn't been there. Once the Midwife arrived, Martha made me a delicious meal, which she helped feed me while I was arms full and breastfeeding my bundle of joy. See part 3...
PART 3: Martha tag-teamed with my husband during my birth in helping watch my son, while keeping an eye on me, etc. I'm sure she did a lot more that I wasn't even aware of since I was busy birthing or caring for baby. Martha always makes sure all my needs are met before she leaves. She is always available if you need someone to talk to, and makes it knows she is there for YOU! Martha is selfless and she offered to donate blood for me in case I needed it, when it was a concern of mine...Martha just rolls with the punches and basically will probably help with almost anything.
Don't wait too long, as Martha will likely book up! I highly recommend her for a home birth!
R.R. about Tools of Radical Self Responsibility
I feel so energized! Thank you SO much (Martha). I love your style so much and I feel so safe talking through things with you! I will highly recommend that to others.
Jess about Homebirth Prep
Thanks so much for walking with me in a big transition into mothering.
T.J Absolutely blessed to have you walk with us, and share and hold space through such a powerful journey
My husband and I are so thankful that we chose Martha as our doula. She was so resourceful and supportive. Right from the beginning I was a fan of her holistic approaches and knew from her kind and professional demeanor that she was the perfect person for my pregnancy journey. I wanted someone who was supportive, empowering, and knowledgeable, and Martha was exactly that. Martha continually reminded me that my body was made to do this and that I knew my body best. She was always respectful, honest, and open-minded. I wanted a natural birth with no medications and as little interventions as possible. Having Martha by our side throughout this journey helped me to believe in myself and trust my own intuition. She helped me take control of the delivery of my baby... After having my little girl, we were having some breastfeeding issues, and with no hesitation Martha gladly came over to help out. It was so nice to share how I was feeling and have someone there to listen to me and fill me with positivity. Martha shines in all categories and we cannot thank her enough!
Martha gave me the courage to be a rockstar in the delivery room! Even though my "birth plan" changed - I wanted an intervention free birth, that was not in the cards. Martha gave me encouragement to have my induction my way, and with my consent. Full of love and peace, she was a comfort througout my labor.
Erin R
Martha is everything I could have hoped for in a doula and more. I interviewed a handful of doulas in the Milwaukee area who were all great but Martha stood out immmediately and after our first Zoom meeting I had NO question that this was the supporter, guide, and birth worker for me and my husband.
First, Martha is direct and clear... a no-nonscence person, which I love! Second, she made it abundantly clear that no matter what my birthplan was she would have my back and respected my choices. This is KEY for me and I recommend it for any first-time birthing person: work with someone who respects the woman first and then is knoweldgeable about all of the options second. .Martha is a deeply intuitive and wildly wise birth worker as well as an impeccable professional. My husband went from questioning the purpose of a doula to considering Martha part of our family after going through this process.
Martha will be one of our first calls when it's time for #2!
My partner and I cannot thank Martha enough for her support in the birth of our son. Martha was encouraging and supportive of our birth plans, informative and helpful in gathering information for us, and worked with our birth center and midwife to create the perfect birthing enviorment. I really don't think I could have had the natural birth I hoped for without Martha's support, I had a long and arduous labor and Martha was so encouraging and reminded me to breath and that I was doing everything right to bring my baby into the world. Martha was also great in advocating for what I had set out as my birth plans.
SARAH If you’re at all on the fence about whether to hire Martha as your doula, do it! My husband and I cannot say enough positive things about our experience with Martha. We began our doula search when I was about 30 weeks pregnant with our second daughter. My labor and delivery with my first daughter was traumatic and resulted in an emergency c section. It was extremely important to me this time around to do whatever I could to give myself the best chance of a VBAC. Enter Martha. I realized how uninformed my husband and I had been with our first experience, so began calling multiple doulas to see what it was all about. I spoke with several seemingly qualified women, but was instantly drawn to Martha. She has great energy and was supportive of whatever I wanted to do, without judgment. I knew I wanted an epidural and wondered if that was compatible with a doula’s approach to birth. I never once felt judged by Martha. In fact, I felt the opposite. We would work with her again in a heartbeat!
Hayley K As soon as my husband and I met Martha, it was an instant connection. We felt like she understood who we were and what we wanted. It was the easiest and best decision to hire her. She asked questions we would have never though of and always worked to make us feel like we owned our birth. She helped me discover that my OBGYN was not on board with my birth plan and helped me find a midwife at 35 weeks pregnant!
Johanna After having an unplanned c-section with my first birth, I felt very strongly that hiring a doula would be critical if I wanted my second to be a VBAC. I'm so glad we found Martha. I loved our prenatal home visits when she came to talk to my husband and me about our past experience, what our goals were this time, etc. The home visits were just so much more comprehensive and personalized as compared with my brief OB visits. I felt so heard, validated, and supported. Martha had lots of great experience, knowledge, and wisdom to share, but was first and foremost focused on my views and preferences. I felt very well-prepared for my birth, and Martha was an essential part of that. I’ll never forget how, when the contractions were getting really intense, and I was struggling to breathe through them, I heard Martha say quietly from across the room, “Ahhhh.” And somehow it just clicked that that was the sound my body needed me to make..I’m also so glad we hired her for the postpartum period. It was so wonderful to have her come to our home during that tremendously overwhelming time! She did everything from offering breastfeeding support to playing with our toddler (which was usually what we needed the most!) They even baked cookies one time. Martha was definitely the right choice for our family!
Angelia Vang
Because of Martha's amazing support, I was able to have a successful VBAC in November of 2019. After having an unplanned c-section and labor/delivery that did not go the way I imagined it to at all, I knew I needed to find special support to have a sucessful VBAC. The second I met Martha, I knew I needed to have her on my team.... She knew exactly how to move with my body as I stood and swayed side to side. She took on all of my weight and digging fingers without any hesitation. . We are glad we invested and would recommend Martha 1000000%.
I initially chose Martha as my doula because I really like her easy going personality and comfortable warm presence. Throughout our time working together these qualities remained true. Martha really made sure that I was the one to call the shots and had things the way that I wanted them and she had knowledge and information to share when we requested it. She remained calm throughout my labor and helped me to be focused and present through the most challenging part of my labor. I also really appreciated her attentiveness during the days and weeks after birth. She was a joy to have in our home. Martha is a lovely person and a skilled doula! "
I initially reached out to Martha because she had training in techniques I was interested in, like Spinning Babies and Hypnobirthing. Her energy was immediately warm and positive, while her knowledge was clear and matter-of-fact. We spent a lot of time talking with Martha about what I wanted - a spontaneous, non-medicated birth. She also gave me a document called "Owning Your Induction" which proved very powerful. One we decided to go ahead with the induction, Martha not only made herself available despite being three weeks before my due date, but guided me through a very painful active labor with wisdom and patience. I received pitosen and did not have an epidural, About 24 hours after starting the induction I gave birth vaginally to a healthy baby girl,...
Tiphanie, RN
"(Martha) was an amazing support to the mother..helpful, and respectful and a huge asset to the hospital staff. The doula really listened to the mother and supported her in every way she could.
Kaylin, 2019
"I was initially on the fence about whether or not to spend the money on hiring a doula. It was my first pregnancy, and I envisioned having a mediction-free and intervention-free birth. Since my insurance didn't cover a homebirth with a midwife or a birthing center, I opted for a hospital birth. I found Martha on one of the doula websites, and after reading all of the positive testimonials we decided to meet with her. Martha is very experienced in attending births, and despite all of the research I had done on my own regarding the birth experience I wanted, she was able to bring some things to my attention that I wasn't aware of and could look into more. It is also very apparent that Martha loves what she does, and she does not do it for the money. I was able to labor at home much longer than I would have without her there.
"Martha was initially my prenatal yoga instructor but, once I learned that she was a doula, I was eager to know more about her. ;;; She raised many questions that I had not thought of and I was grateful for her guidance! Additionally, she would guide me through some gentle yoga poses and stretches to help with my lower back pain and also process my emotions regarding my pregnancy and labor. When I went into labor, she remained a calm and supportive force. It was reassuring to see multiple nurses and my doctor recognize her and have a positive experience with her in the room. Everyone acknowledged that they enjoyed working with her. Martha also provided me with 12 hours of postpartum care which was an invaluable experience. It was great to have somebody to watch my baby while I did something to take care of myself like shower, nap, grocery shop or cook a small meal. Those moments helped me get back to feeling like myself after the birth! If you are looking for a kind, understanding and supportive doula, Martha is your girl. Thank you so much Martha!!!"
Koren T.
"I had a WONDERFUL experience having Martha as my doula for my first child. She brings positivity and an open heart to every meeting - exactly what you would wish for in a pregnancy/birthing coach. Martha was great at answering all my questions throughout my pregnancy and during postpartum. She was always quick to respond and provided me with great resources. She is very non-judgemental and I always felt comfortable around her. Best of all, she made me feel EMPOWERED. My birth was a long one - 24 + hours - and Martha was there supporting me and my birth wishes the entire time. She interacted well with the hospital staff and provided suggestions to help my labor progress. My husband and I are looking forward to having her as our doula again when we have our second child!"
I strongly recommend that you consider Martha if you are interested in working with a doula that is caring and determined. She served as doula for the birth of my husband and I’s first daughter. During a long (38 hours!) labor, much of it spent at home, she was constantly by our side. Martha was a vital source of support when we were laboring at home and provided a great deal of certainty that what we were going through was normal and natural. She was great about helping me relax between contractions and offering advice on different positions that I could try to move things along. During our time in the labor room, she was proactive about providing advice and context about what was going on and served as an advocate for my care. I am really happy that I was able to deliver vaginally in part because it was nice for Martha to be able to experience that after being by my side the entire time. I overheard the nurse that was with me during the last part of my labor thank Martha for being there, which speaks to the value of having her presence. ...
My wife and I had a wonderful experience with Martha as our doula. We were looking for someone to guide us through the process of preparing for giving birth, since neither of us had done it before. Martha is a skilled listener - she always focused carefully on what we were saying, and truly seemed to understand our wishes. She answered our questions and helped guide us through the process of getting ready for birth. During labor and delivery, Martha was there as a supportive presence, giving words of encouragement, and giving my wife acupressure support during her contractions. As the birth partner, I appreciated having Martha by my side because she was a calming presence. Her encouragement and support helped me to be fully present for my wife. We had been told by many people that birth never goes the way you expect or plan. That may be true, but we were lucky to have the kind of birth we envisioned. We wouldn't have had such a positive experience without Martha's support. I would heartily recommend working with Martha!, Laura M., Oct. 2018
Sarah D
My husband and I hired Martha as our doula for our first birth. We met her and immediatley were drawn to her welcoming and calming demeanor. She is a keen listener and very respectful. After making the official decision to have a doula for this birth, I was immediatley put at ease that we would have someone quite experienced to go along with us for the remainder of my pregnancy. When I went into labor, Martha was the first person I called. I trusted her and felt like she was a long time friend.
Nurse, CH
"Patient and kind. Excellent support. Respectful-both of patient and hospital staff. I would love to work with Martha again."
Eliza C.
"Martha is an angel. From the first meeting, to our prenatal visits, to the big day - Martha and her experience and knowledge helped my husband and I have the BEST birthing experience we could have EVER dreamed. Martha helped me pre labor at home - and was my coach, advocate, guide and shoulder to lean on once we got to the hospital. I genuinely could not have done it without Martha, and am so thankful to have met her. Without Martha's positivity, encouragement and guidance I would not have been able to stick to my original plan for unmedicated birth too! I remember hearing her calm, confident voice. Martha helped me stay positive during pregnancy, and helped me stay calm and confident during the labor. I swear I didn't have any tearing or stitches much in part to having a doula by our side. Martha, thank you for being with us the entire time and for your expert help at the hospital after birth also. Thank you for continuing to be available post partum for questions and help also - you are a godsend and if/when we have our second we will for sure be calling you again. "
"Martha was wonderful and provided the exact support I /we needed before, during and after birth."
"Martha was my doula for the birth of my second child in September 2017. She was absolutely vital to me having the birth experience I was hoping for. She is a very calm and reassuring presence and was able to sense exactly what I needed, when I needed it. She was very much in tune with me before labor began and during - she was able to anticipate my needs while still remaining in the background. After a typical hospital birth with the cascade of interventions, I wanted to do better with my second birth. Thanks to switching to midwives and working with Martha, we made it happen! She helped me labor at home as long as possible - something I never would have been able to trust myself enough to do. She was very hands off - I think she sensed this is what I needed from her. She very much made the birth be about me and my husband and our soon to be born baby and faded into the background. But when I needed her (to help hold the fetal monitor on my belly so I could stand during painful contractions upon arrival at the hospital, to gently remind hospital staff to keep lighting dim, to continually encourage me this was something I could do) she was right there. It was absolutely thanks to Martha that I was able to have a completely natural, intervention-free hospital birth. It was everything I could have hoped for and I'm so grateful to her.
"Hello my name is Ana, and Martha was my doula for my second baby, she was great i had only meet her a week in advance prior to my birth delivery since baby came a week early. So i had only meet her once before she was in the hospital with me. she is very warm and mother like, not judgmental very profesional with tons of expiriance under her belt. I was alone in the hospital with no familiy members during the birth and Martha was my only support, thanks to her the breathing excerises and the walking around help me speed up the birth of baby boy. She ask the nurses questions that i coulnt even think of during my labor and took notes of everything thats was going on and beaing done to me.
"I loved working with Martha! She's so knowledable, compassionate, and nonjudgmental. She was flexible and so attentive and it's clear she's passionate about what she does. I cannot imagine going thru my pre partum, birth and postpartum care without her! She's a great advocate and a listener. I would recommend her to anyone! She has awesome energy."
"Martha is an amazing doula, and anyone would be lucky to have her at their side throughout the pregnancy journey. She was very supportive in the months leading up to my son’s birth, customizing her services to fit my needs, providing valuable information, answering my questions, and even joining me for a prenatal labor and delivery class. Her presence in the delivery room was incredibly comforting and helpful. She is very knowledgeable about birthing in a hospital setting due to her background working in the medical field combined with her experience as a doula, so she was able to explain things and help me better understand my options. Her positive energy was great in the postpartum period as well, when she visited my home to help ease the transition to motherhood and make sure I was doing well with my new little one. I can’t imagine having done it without her!,"
"I highly recommend Martha and her extraordinary doula services. From the moment we met, I knew she would be a great fit. Martha is the perfect mix of knowledgeable, peaceful and expansive. I loved our prenatal sessions - the yoga and reiki in particular. I can't thank her enough for the incredible support she provided to me while I labored primarily at home in the middle of the night. And then later at the hospital when my son made his debut earthside. Even weeks after, Martha continues to check in with me and offer her support."
"Martha was a calming presence and my advocate at the birth of our daughter; she has continued to be an important part of our lives as a post-partum doula,..
From the moment I met Martha, I knew she would be my doula. I didn't even bother to interview anyone else! It was as if I was reconnecting with an old friend, rather than meeting someone for the first time. I genuinely enjoyed every prenatal visit and appreciated Martha's amazing Reiki ability. ...She instictively knew exactly how much love and guidance to offer. I chose to have a hospital birth that included an epidural. Martha respected my choices and decisions and never tried to steer me off of my chosen path. Martha encouraged and supported me throughout every step. Martha helped me decide the kind of birth experience I wanted to have. In order to create my "birth plan," she asked me the important questions that I needed to answer for myself - but in such a way that I never felt pressured or judged. Martha supported the plan that I wanted and acted as the perfect guide. Choosing Martha was one of the most rewarding decisions I made on my pregnancy journey. I can honestly say that I made a friend for life."
KERRI G. Upon meeting Martha, I knew we had found our doula and didn't even bother interviewing anyone else. Martha's peaceful, non judgemental demeanor immediately put me at ease, which I knew would be important during the birth process with my high strung personality. As the pregnancy progressed, our doctor became more concerned with test results that indicated our natural, unanesthetized birth would be impossible. I was devastated to say the least, but Martha was always my cheerleader, reminding me that I had the strength to "rock it" my way. . While our daughter's birth did not go as planned, I feel blessed to have had Martha by our side the entire time. Looking back at January 20th, I feel like I gained two new family members, my daughter and Martha. We highly recommend her services!!
"Thank you for your support and expertise during labor... I
"I knew I wanted to have a natural birth long before seeking a doula. I had been planning on having a hospital birth with an OB I really trusted, but I knew I would need a little more support if I wanted a medication-free birth. So I (looked) for a doula and I just knew Martha was the one when I met her. She is warm, funny, incredibly encouraging and makes you feel very comfortable from the beginning. During the labor process, she provided constant encouragement which is something that is so needed in those moments. I had the birth that I wanted because Martha was by my side."
"I knew I wanted a natural childbirth but was worried about being able to do so in a hospital so I Iooked into hiring a doula. I found Martha online and knew she was the person to help me. She is so flexible and really helped me relax and prepare. When I went in to labour Martha was right there, She worked with me through each contraction , helping me to stay calm and comfortable. One of the more helpful things Matha did for me was to gently remind me of my goal throughout the labour process and offer suggestions to help me reach it. I was able to labour at home for quite awhile and Martha remained a support when we went to the hospital, helping me not get caught up and distracted in the medical setting. I know for a fact that I could not have accomplished my goal without Martha's help."
"I chose to work with Martha for the birth of my daughter in March. I knew right away upon meeting her that she was the doula for me! Martha has an incredible energy and calming presence. I found her to be very knowledgeable and non judging.
"It was such a pleasure to work with Martha! She is so sweet, thoughtful and caring. Any questions I had, if she didn't know the answer, she went and found them. We felt so comfortable with her right off the bat. She went above and beyond with my husband and me, I labored for 41 hours, a few hours into her birthday, and she stuck by our side without complaint, holding my hand all the way through. I highly recommend Martha!"
"She was available last minute and was a tremendous help. Since she had not met me until I was in labor, Martha was very understanding and helpful through my entire labor....
S.A."We couldn't have gotten through it as well without you. Thank you!"
"Martha was my doula for the births of my two children. She was a great support in the weeks leading up to my first birth, giving me an idea of what to expect. When my water broke in the middle of the night, she came over and we walked around the backyard through the early contractions. When the going got tough, the main thing I remember is her calm voice reminding me that I wasn't having a contraction in my shoulders, helping me relax. My husband also really appreciated having her there, too.
Barbara Aho
"Martha has been great for me. I just couldn't get by without her reiki."
A circle of women to bless pregnant women and to be in presence with each other.
ALL women welcome here: maidens, mothers, sorceresses, crones.
Village prenatal is not a part of Motherwit Ways.